You have probably been told repeatedly that air conditioner maintenance is one of the most important things to keep up with as a homeowner.

The Most Important Reasons Why You Need Maintenance

In most ways, it’s easiest to look at it from the angle of any other product. Why do you purchase any given thing? Because it provides benefits, and in this, a tune-up is a little different. So, let’s check out the merits that make a service worth your while:

It boosts and maintains efficiency. Energy-efficiency isn’t just a fad. Broken down, the term loosely translates to cutting down how much energy your home and appliances consume, directly leading to lower utility bills. The day your AC was installed it was at its peak in efficiency, and that number can rapidly decay. Unless you keep up with maintenance!

It prevents complications and breakdowns. Most of the AC repair projects we complete in the North Bay area come as a result of the homeowner not getting AC maintenance frequently enough—if at all. And by most, we mean close to 70%. A tune-up is the most cost-efficient means to keep repair costs down.

It will make you more comfortable. Through the winters are a bit more tyrannical around here, the summer is nothing to sneeze at. When the temperature starts breaking 28 degrees daily you want your cooling system optimized, clean, and running reliably. Maintenance is how you ensure that’s exactly what you get.

It will make your air conditioner last longer. Cooling systems might be necessary, but they’re not cheap. That means you don’t want to replace until you must, and routine maintenance makes it far more likely that you’ll hit that projected 10-15 years.

It keeps air quality in your home up. When a specialist cleans the coils in your system, changes the filters, and removes all the gunk built up on components, that removes it from the air circulation cycle in your home, too. This can help tremendously for those of us that deal with allergies and asthma every year.

Schedule A/C Maintenance in North Bay, with Noll ClimateCare

Starting to come around to the idea of routine air conditioner maintenance? We knew you would! It’s one of the most valuable and useful services we can provide to homeowners in North Bay, and so we work hard to offer you all the streamlined and efficient solutions you deserve. When you’re ready to schedule a service, or if you’re just looking to find out more, contact our experts 705-474-0768!

For even more benefits and full tune-up, coverage ask about joining the Noll ClimateCare family via a We Care Maintenance Service Package.

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