Get the peace of mind you deserve with our all-inclusive water heater subscriptions. No money down & low monthly payments that include everything.
For the average Canadian household, water-heating appliances account for up to 20% of total utility costs and are usually the second-highest consumers of energy. Speak with one of our experts who can:
Recommend the best ways to reduce your water heating costs.
Help you select the water heating solution that best suits your needs.
Talk with you about service and maintenance of your current equipment.

Traditional water heaters heat or re-heat a tank full of water on a 24-hour cycle – even when you’re away from home or asleep! These heaters consume excess energy and can increase your utility bills.
Tankless water heaters are a modern, energy-efficient solution to this problem. They heat water as it is needed. And unlike traditional systems, tankless heaters provide an endless supply. No more cold showers!
Hybrid hot water heaters integrate on-demand, endless-supply tankless technology with traditional tank technology in the same unit. Hybrid hot water heater technology means hot water will always be available for showers (with no hot water spikes!), even during peak usage periods. And there will always be a reserve for multiple hot water-utilizing appliances in use at the same time.
Hybrid hot water heaters may be of most value in homes where lots of hot water is used, perhaps because of numerous water-utilizing appliances, a large family, or several bathrooms.
Traditional hot water heaters are still a popular option when tankless or hybrid water heater installation is impractical – traditional, power vent and direct vent water heaters are great alternatives. Why waste money on a rental when you can own your hot water tank for less than a typical rental fee?

Although we stock and sell tankless water heaters from top brand names such as Navien, Noll ClimateCare is much more than just a supplier of these cost-effective and energy-efficient solutions. We care about our customers, and take the steps necessary to ensure they’re looked after with quality in mind.