Newer homes and buildings are better sealed due to advances in energy efficiency and building materials. They retain more heat during the winter months and more cool air in the summer. But better-sealed buildings also keep more pollutants and allergens inside!

It’s Important to Filter Your Air

Furnace and air conditioning filters were originally designed to protect the heating and cooling units themselves from particles, not to clean the air forced through them. On their own, these air filters will not make a significant difference in your home’s air quality. The average air filter is only capable of removing 3 to 5% of particles that pass through it.

A high-efficiency air filter can significantly improve your indoor air. These filters are available in various efficiencies, right up to hospital-grade air filters like those used in operating rooms, for maximum air quality improvement. Anyone with breathing difficulties or allergies can benefit from the clean air provided by an air filter.

HVAC captain comfort

There are two different types of air filters:

An electronic air filter removes airborne pollutants and contaminants such as cigarette smoke, pollen, bacteria, virus, mould and dust from your home. These can get trapped as a result of homes becoming more energy-efficient, so while it’s good to continue moving towards more eco-friendly methods of living, it’s important to continuously clean a home with a product such as an electronic air filter in order to avoid the side effects these pollutants and contaminants can cause. It’s also important to clean these filters as often as possible to ensure they continue working at maximum efficiency.

A mechanical air filter removes dust and other irritating particles from your home. It works through the blower in your fan, which attracts these particles to the tightly sealed air cleaner, circulating clean air back through your furnace and into the rooms of your home. They are highly efficient, quiet, and require minimal maintenance, offering a simple solution for keeping your house clean.

We’ll be happy to help you determine the filtration system that’s best for your needs or discuss service and maintenance for your existing air filtration equipment.

HVAC system ebook
How to avoid unexpected expenses

An indoor air quality system from Noll ClimateCare can eliminate up to 99.3% of indoor contaminants. Our personal climate experts can talk with you about the benefits of air filtration, HEPA filters, ultraviolet air purification, and continuous whole-home air ventilation. They can also discuss service and maintenance for your existing equipment, should you wish them to.

Call us to see just what we can do for your indoor air quality!
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